Version: 1.0.0

The cool muscle motor is equipped with a number of inputs and outputs which can be configured to do various operations.

IN1 and OUT1 are used as serial communication ports when communicating to the motor from a computer or controller. If you wish to use IN1 and OUT1 as digital I/O ports, you will not be able to communicate via the serial port at the same time.

If you are daisy chaining multiple motors, IN1 and OUT1 will be used to communicate to any motors upstream of the current motor, and IN2 and OUT2 will be used to communicate to any motors downstream of the current motor. See Daisy Chain Wiring for detailed information.


I/O Auto Detection

Upon powering up the motor, it will observe the state of IN1 and IN2. If one of these is active when powering up, the motor assumes that it is connected to a serial communications device. If the input is not activated upon powering up, the motor assumes that there is no communications connected and will set the inputs and outputs to be used as digital I/O. 

This can cause problems in some cases. By changing the setting of parameter K52, you can disable the auto detect feature and set I/O 1 and 2 to a specific function. 

IN1 and OUT1 cannot be forced to be digital I/O, but can be forced to be serial communications.

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