The amount of torque for a specific move can be controlled by using the M register. You can set register values, such as M1=80, M2=50, M3=100, and when you call these in conjunction with a move command the motor will utilize 80%, 50%, or 100% of full torque respectively. The torque value that you program is a percentage. Valid entries are from 0 to 100. This percentage specifies the percentage of the motors peak torque to be used for the move. See Motor Specifications for peak torque.
For example:
M1=75 A1=100 S1=100 P1=1000 B1 A1,S1,M1,P1 End
The above program, when run using default settings, will move the motor to position 1000, one full rotation, at a speed of 10Kpps and acceleration of 100Kpps2 utilizing 75% of the motors full torque.
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