There are two variants of the CM1 that are available. The C-type and P-type.
C-type stands for "computer type" and is the standard version of the motor used most often. A C-type motor has the most functionality and can be run from serial commands sent from an external source, by a program loaded in to the motor, or by programmable inputs.
P-Type stand for "Pulse Type". This motor cannot be programmed and can only by run from an external controller sending pulses to the motor. A p-type motor can be run with pulses dictating step/direction, or clockwise/counter clockwise operation as dictated by parameter K36.
For information on wiring IN1 and IN2, see Input Wiring.
Step and Direction
In step and direction mode, IN1 is used for your Step signal and IN2 is used for your direction signal.
When your direction signal on IN2 is off, if the step signal on IN1 is pulsed, the motor will step in the clockwise direction. If the direction signal is on and the step signal is pulsed, the motor will step in the counter-clockwise direction. For each pulse on the step signal, the motor will move one pulse in the desired direction. By Default, the resolution of the motor is 1000 pulses per revolution, and this is true for the P-type as well. This means that with the default settings, for each revolution of the motor, you will need to pulse the step signal 1000 times.
In CW/CCW mode, IN1 is used for the CW signal and IN2 is used for the CCW signal. In this mode, for every pulse on IN1, the CW signal, the motor will step once in the clockwise direction. Likewise, for each pulse on IN2, the CCW signal, the motor will step once in the counter-clockwise direction.