Version: 1.0.0
The following program uses the Center and Endpoint method of defining a series of four arcs in order to create a figure-eight motion in a cartesian X-Y system. This program also uses Merge Motion to make a smooth seamless transition from one arc to another.
B100.1,L100.1 //Clear any existing program and logic banks B100.2,L100.2 K85.1=1 //Run Logic Bank 1 on power up R1.2=0,R1.1=0 //Radii not needed for this method A1.1=50,A1.2=50 //Define accelerations and speeds S1.1=30,S1.2=30 P1.1=0 //First position of first arc P1.2=1600 //Because this Figure-Eight is drawn along the motor 2 axis, the motor 2 end position is always the same P2.1=3200 //Arc End Position P3.1=6400 //Arc End Position N1.1=1600 //Center point of first figure eight N1.2=1600 //Again, Because this is drawn along the motor 2 axis, the motor 2 center point is always the same N2.1=4800 //Center point of other side of the figure-eight l1.1 [1.1 //Run Program Bank 1 jl2 //Jump to Logic Bank 2 end.1 l2.1 //Empty Logic Bank so that we don't keep executing program bank 1 end.1 B1.1 |2.1,|2.2 //Home both axes A1.2,A1.1 //call accelerations and speeds S1.2,S1.1 X0.1 //Everything between the X0 and X- is looped indefinitely N1.2,N1.1,@1.2,@2.1; //Create arc to first position N1.2,N2.1,@1.2-,@3.1-; N1.2,N2.1,@1.2-,@2.1-; N1.2,N1.1,@1.2,@1.1; X- END.1 $.1 //Save Program
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