
The network settings are configured through the CM1-T Configuration Tool application which connects to the USB on the back of the motor. This application also allows you to read the currently configured settings.

Parameter Table

The following network parameters are available in the tool:

Firmware VersionReadCurrent CM1-T firmware version
MAC AddressReadMAC address of the CM1-T
Current IP AddressReadThe IP address that the CM1-T is currently using
DHCP EnabledRead/WriteIndicates whether the CM1-T should use DHCP or a static IP
IP AddressRead/WriteIP address if DHCP is not enabled
Default GatewayRead/WriteDefault gateway if DHCP is not enabled
Subnet MaskRead/WriteSubnet mask if DHCP is not enabled

CM1-T Configuration Tool

Setting IP Properties

The IP on the Cool Muscle can be set as static or configured to use DHCP to assign the IP.


The CM1-T must be on the same network as a DHCP server to use the DHCP option. The CM1-T will be assigned an IP automatically by the server. This IP can be seen in the "Current IP Address" box. In addition Control Room can search for the CM1-T in the Connection tab of Control room.

To set to DHCP:

  1. Check the DHCP Enabled checkbox in the CM1-T Configuration Tool
  2. Click the Save button
  3. Power cycle or click the Reset button

The main status LED on the motor will flash green while it is waiting to be assigned an IP address. It will be solid green if an IP has been assigned.

THE DHCP search will not time out.

Static IP

The CM1-T can be assigned an IP address, default gateway and subnet mask. In addition the final octet in the IP can be set by the rotary switches on the side of the motor.

To set to static IP:

  1. Uncheck the DHCP Enabled checkbox
  2. Enter the required IP address
  3. Enter the required gateway address
  4. Enter the required Subnet mask
  5. Click the Save button
  6. Power cycle the motor or click the reset button

Using the Rotary Switches for assigning IP

The rotary switches can be used to assign the last value (octet) of the IP. Set the final number of the static IP to 0 to enable the rotary switches. 


Static IPx10 Valuex1 ValueFinal IP address assigned

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