L# | Logic Bank Start |
This command marks the beginning of the logic bank. # represents the logic bank number. | |
L1 I2,V1.1=1,T0 END | Logic bank one scans input 2 repeatedly. |
; | Echo Off |
This command will prevent the result of a mathematical operation from being echoed to the serial port. NOTE: This command is different if used within a program bank. See Program Bank Commands. | |
L1 V1=V2+V3 END
L1 V1=V2+V3; END | In this example, the result of V2 + V3 will be echoed to the serial port when the operation is run.
In this example, nothing is sent to the serial port when this operation is run. |
CL# | Call Logic Bank |
Call another logic bank. Once the called bank is complete, the first program bank will continue. # represents the logic bank number to be called. | |
L1 I2,CL2,T0 END
L2 V1.1=1 END | If input two is activated, logic bank one will call logic bank two to set V1.1 and then continue to scan input two. |
JL# | Jump to Logic Bank |
Jump to another logic bank. We will not return to the first bank once we have jumped away. # represents the logic bank number to be jumped to. | |
L1 I1,J2,T0 END
L2 I3,V1=1,T0 END | In this example, if input one is true we jump to bank two. If input one is not true, we do nothing. |
?L# | Query Logic Bank |
Query a logic bank. # represents the program bank to query. The motor will then respond with the program currently stored in that logic bank. | |
?L3 | Query the contents of logic bank 3. |
L100 | Clear All Logic Banks |
This command will clear all data in all logic banks. Registers and program banks are not affected. It is good practice to begin most programs with this command to ensure you are starting with a clean slate. | |
L1 I2,V1=1,T0 END | This example will clear all logic banks and then create logic bank one. |
For applications and examples, see Application Notes.