All Branch Operations follow the same format:


The first statement is the query which can be checking an input, comparing a variable, etc. The next statement is what you want the program to do if the query is true, and finally the last part is what you want the program to do if the query is false.The query can be any of the following operations. For example

V1>=V2, ?99, ?96

If V1 is greater or equal than V2 then send ?99 query else send ?96 query



If an input is used alone, it is not necessary to compare, as it is implied that the statement is true if the input is true


If input three is active, wait, else do nothing and move to next line. 


Greater Than or Equal To

This query is true if the first operand is greater than or equal to the second.

V1 >= V2, C2, T0

If variable one is greater than or equal to variable two, call bank 2, else do nothing.


Less Than or Equal To

This query is true if the first operand is less than or equal to the second. 

V1<=V2, C2, T0

If variable one is less than or equal to variable two, call bank 2, else do nothing.  

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