Version: 1.0.0

1. Introduction

Modbus gives read/write access to all Cool Muscle registers such as K-parameters, positions, speeds and accelerations. A CML program needs to reside in the motor to execute functions depending on the status of these registers. Below you will find an example program that is used in all Modbus TCP motors. It uses a control word in the R0 register to execute a number of functions. This code is useful for point-to-point motion and speed control. An application may require a significantly more complex program which can replace the example program. The CML is written to be compiled and sent from Control Room. The user does not need to understand the code but only how to use it. The full program code is supplied for those users wanting to change or get a better understanding of how the program works. Modbus TCP motors come standard with the Modbus program loaded.

2. Running the motor

The following list of holding registers can be used to the read and write move data to the motor.

Holding Register Parameter Description R/W
40201 P0 Target position R/W
40603 S0 Target speed R/W
40635 A0 Target acceleration R/W
40301 R0 Control Word R/W
40003 Motor Position Motors current position in pulses R
40009 Motor Status Motors current status R

2.1. Position, Speed and Acceleration

The default setting for the motor is K37=3 which sets the following units. This can easily be changed by modifying the value of K37.

Register Unit/Resolution
P0 1000 pulses/revolution
S0 100 pulse/s
A0 1K pulses/s2

2.2. Control Word

The R0 register is used for the Control Word. It has the following value options by default:

R0 Value Description
0 Do nothing
1 Start the position move
2 Stop the motor
3 Enable the motor
4 Disable the motor
5 Home the motor

These functions can be edited or expanded by changing the default program based on user requirements. Please contact our support team if you need assistance with this.

Some things to note when using the control word

  1. Changing the value of the control word immediately executes the operation 
  2. If the Control Word is left with the value 1 then changing the position once the motor has come to a stop will execute the next move. This allows the Modbus master to only change the position and not need to also toggle the control word to execute the next move.
  3. The home routine is by default set to a hardstop search in the CCW direction. Please see K42 to K48 for home routine options.

3. CML Code

The following is the CML code used for motor control in Modbus. It is not required for users to understand the code unless they are looking to change it.

CML Modbus Code
//set the logic scan rate to 1ms
//set logic bank 1 to scan on power up
//set the modbus register offset to 0
//switch off all automatic motor event reporting
//make sure carraige return is not automatic after line feed (legacy setting)

/*create variables for the old/previous target
control word
These are used to find a change in the target
Init them to 0
var old_ControlWord R1.1				//old control word
var old_TargetPos P1.1		//old position
var old_TargetSpd S1.1		//old speed
var old_TargetAcc A1.1		//old acceleration

/*create variables for the new target
control word
These are used to find a change in the target
Init them to 0
var ControlWord R0.1				//control word
var TargetPos P0.1		//position
var TargetSpd S0.1		//speed
var TargetAcc A0.1		//acceleration

Logic L1 scans for a change in the word or any target value
if a change is detected it call the relevant logic bank
ControlWord!= old_ControlWord, CL2.1, T0.1	//scan control word
TargetPos!= old_TargetPos, CL3.1, T0.1		//scan position
TargetAcc!= old_TargetAcc, CL4.1, T0.1		//scan acceleration
TargetSpd!= old_TargetSpd, CL5.1, T0.1		//scan speed
Logic L2 is called if there is a change in the control word
1) it saves the new state into the old state
2) It compares the changed value with defined values to 
execute the relavant command
old_ControlWord= ControlWord;
old_ControlWord== 1, ^.1, T0.1		//run
old_ControlWord== 2, ].1, T0.1		//stop
old_ControlWord== 3, (.1, T0.1		//enable
old_ControlWord== 4, ).1, T0.1		//disable
old_ControlWord== 5,|.1,T0.1		//home
Logic L3 executes a change in position
If the control word eqauls 1 then it executes the move immediately
old_TargetPos= TargetPos;
ControlWord== 1, ^.1, T0.1	//execute move is ControlWord equals 1
The following 2 logic banks set the speed and acceleration
Writing to the value through modbus only changes the register
it does not process the change.
The change must be processed through CML for it to be
executed immediately
//Logic L4 sets the acceleration
old_TargetAcc= TargetAcc;
TargetAcc= TargetAcc;
//Logic L4 sets the speed
old_TargetSpd= TargetSpd;
TargetSpd= TargetSpd;

Download the complete Control Room project here Default Modbus CML program.crp

4.  Sample

4.1. Beijer X2 Base

The following sample uses the Beijer X2 Base 7 HMI to communicate to the CM1:

The following is the same program configured to run on the CM2 motor:

4.2. Mitsubishi GOT1000

The following program configures a Mitsubishi GOT1000 to run the motor over Modbus RTU. The application is written in GT Designer3.

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