



All commands are sent to the motor via the motors serial port. The motor accepts commands in TTL level serial ASCII. This means that these commands can be sent from a computer running Control Room, or even a generic terminal software. Commands can also be sent from other devices that communicate via serial communications including PLCs and HMIs.

 When controlling the motor in direct motion mode, position, speed, and acceleration must be predefined. A command is then sent to execute a motion based on these parameters. For example:



P.1= 1000




The number after the period indicates which motor on the daisy chain network you wish to address. For more information on connecting multiple motors, see Daisy Chain Wiring.

In the example above, each line is defining a different motion parameter:


S.1 defines the speed for motor 1

A.1 defines the acceleration for motor 1

P.1 defines the target position for motor 1

M.1 defines the torque for motor 1

^.1 is the run command, which commands the motor to run using the defined parameters.


The values of S, A and P that are currently stored in the motor can be queried by sending:


Motor 1 would then reply with all of the stored values.



For More Information, see: