- The MAC address on the two motors are set to to 70-B3-D5-96-E0-05 and 70-B3-D5-96-E0-06. If these are not read from the EEPROM they will need to be set in the program.
- There is a bootloader which is separate to the main code. If the code is set to execute from flashrom in IAR Embedded Workbench it will overwrite the bootloader.
- Development should be done using the RAM Debug option.
- Once development is complete it can be loaded as an image through the USB.
- 120V INPUT
- Broqwn → L
- Blue → N
- Green → Ground
- White + Gray → -V
- Yellow + Orange → +V
Socket API
Socket Setup
There are 4 sockets available in firmware. In the supplied firmware Socket1 is used for direct communication to the motor. Socket2 is used for Modbus-TCP communication. They can be reassigned as needed.